A hole-in-one for your health
The gift that keeps on giving

Every time you hit a golf ball, you visualize the trajectory, while focusing on your form, aim and accuracy. This takes co-ordination, balance and patience. It goes beyond your physical strength and taps into your ability to stay calm and focused. Here’s what else golf can improve for you:
• Brain power
• Self-esteem
• Concentration
• Cognitive function

Hand-eye co-ordination is not only required for golf, it’s needed for striking accuracy. It’ll help you adjust when needed and help identify swing deviations. As you age, your co-ordination can deteriorate. Not only will this affect your game, but it’ll also affect your daily chores. Golf is a great way to practice and improve your co-ordination.

Gain more than golf

What are you waiting for? Reap the benefits golf has to offer with us.



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