Bank on positive memories

When you think back on shots you’ve hit over time, what stands out? Those Tour-quality approaches or those mishits that ruined your score? To perform better and have a more pleasant playing experience, it’s important that your memory bank brims with positive memories!

Effect positive emotional change

A memory’s strength depends largely on the strength of the emotion you attach to it. Therefore, avoid any negative self-talk, promising to do better on the next one. Practicing self-congratulations (using your inner voice of course!) after great shots cultivates an enhanced perception your golf game.

Improving your perception of self is as easy as making a list of your top-10 best shots ever, noting the emotion you most strongly associate with each and committing those feelings to memory.

Look to the future

When you’re in a similar situation or one-down with one to play in your club match-play, you’re able to draw on these positive memories, knowing you have it in you to pull off the shot, no matter the difficulty.

Let’s take a trip down memory lane together and chat about how we can help you forge more fantastic memories in the rounds to come!

Prioritize your mental game

Sometimes becoming a better golfer is less about your actual swing and more about your mindset. We’ll train you on practicing consistent positive reinforcement. Send us a message to get started.



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